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Kick Starting my Day with Special K® Red Berries

When I first started dating my boyfriend, I discovered something unusual about him. Dude cannot go to bed before eating at least one bowl of cereal! He is obsessed! When we went on vacation with my family last week, he actually located a grocery store nearby, and bought himself some milk and cereal. Now that’s…

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Kick Starting my Day with Special K® Red Berries

When I first started dating my boyfriend, I discovered something unusual about him. Dude cannot go to bed before eating at least one bowl of cereal! He is obsessed! When we went on vacation with my family last week, he actually located a grocery store nearby, and bought himself some milk and cereal. Now that’s…

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Fit Food: AMRAP Bars Review + GIVEAWAY

UPDATE: AMRAP made a change to the prizes! Please check below for more information! If you’re a regular reader and/or social media follower, then you know that I am always on the hunt for good things to grab and go for pre- and post-workout. As I’ve gotten more serious about running, I’ve discovered that this…