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SLS3 Butterfly Compression Sleeves Review and Giveaway

Is it just me, or does this week feel super slow? I was really thinking tomorrow was Thursday, and was a little sad when I learned it wasn’t. Dang it! Without my car, I feel like I’ve been shuffling all over the place, living out of a couple of bags. Some days, I have to…

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SLS3 Butterfly Compression Sleeves Review and Giveaway

Is it just me, or does this week feel super slow? I was really thinking tomorrow was Thursday, and was a little sad when I learned it wasn’t. Dang it! Without my car, I feel like I’ve been shuffling all over the place, living out of a couple of bags. Some days, I have to…

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Lots of Sport & Health and My First Barre Class

Last month, I ventured over to the very fancy, very new Pike & Rose development in Rockville, Maryland. (Or White Flint. Or North Bethesda. Or South Potomac. Or whatever the heck they’re going to be calling that area once they redevelop the mall!) The Sport & Health in Pike & Rose has been hosting free…

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Lots of Sport & Health and My First Barre Class

Last month, I ventured over to the very fancy, very new Pike & Rose development in Rockville, Maryland. (Or White Flint. Or North Bethesda. Or South Potomac. Or whatever the heck they’re going to be calling that area once they redevelop the mall!) The Sport & Health in Pike & Rose has been hosting free…

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Finally! Another Race!

You guys, I have been itching to run another race. (Not literally, though, because ew.) I was originally training to do the TCS Annapolis Running Classic Half Marathon, but a knee injury and a shoulder/back/neck weird pinched nerve situation sidelined me from running for a few weeks, which is not a good deal when you’re…

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Finally! Another Race!

You guys, I have been itching to run another race. (Not literally, though, because ew.) I was originally training to do the TCS Annapolis Running Classic Half Marathon, but a knee injury and a shoulder/back/neck weird pinched nerve situation sidelined me from running for a few weeks, which is not a good deal when you’re…

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Wednesday Wonderfulz: Running Gear

This week, I decided to link up with Sarah from How My World Runs and Lynda from Fitness Mom Wine Country for their Wednesday Wonderfulz Link-Up. Today’s theme is running gear, and in keeping with the theme, I’m going to do a head-to-toe running gear rundown. Now, if I post at all on Wednesdays, I tend…

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Wednesday Wonderfulz: Running Gear

This week, I decided to link up with Sarah from How My World Runs and Lynda from Fitness Mom Wine Country for their Wednesday Wonderfulz Link-Up. Today’s theme is running gear, and in keeping with the theme, I’m going to do a head-to-toe running gear rundown. Now, if I post at all on Wednesdays, I tend…