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I’m on the A Team! PLUS: 2016 Annapolis Running Classic Discount Code

Hello there, friends! I’ve been running around like crazy, preparing for BlogFest, working out, starting my marathon training, and doing regular stuff like, ya know, going to work and sleeping! This is just a quick check in so that you know that I’m alive and well (and almost 10 pounds lighter!). I cannot believe BlogFest…

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Thursday Throwdown: Summer Vacation Plans

Happy Thursday, everyone! This week has shaped up to be an excellent week for fitness for me! I’m down a few pounds since this time last month, and my body is finally feeling ready to really get into my marathon training. This week, I’ve played a volleyball doubleheader (I subbed one match for my friend’s…

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Thursday Throwdown: Summer Is Coming!

Exciting news, you guys: The Thursday Throwdown is moving to a weekly format! Woohoo! Hopefully that will make it much easier for you lovely people to link up with us when you want. This month, we’ll be focusing on summer, especially since June straddles two seasons. Today’s theme is Transitioning to Summer Fitness Activities. This…

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Happy Global Running Day 2016!

Happy Global Running Day, friends! For the second year in a row, I am linking up with my fellow Sweat Pink Ambassador Kristen from Jonesin’ for a Run for a National/Global Running Day Interview! I’m also linking up with the Wild Workout Wednesday ladies, especially since they’re focusing in on Global Running Day this week. Bonus:…