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Embrace Your Inner Inspector Gadget: Victoria’s Secret Knockout Front-Close Sport Bra Review

So, several weeks ago, I received some free Victoria’s Secret Sport products from Influenster through their VoxBox program. I was super excited, and just had to snap some shots for Instagram. Along with the Incredible Sports Bra and Knockout Tights, I received 20% off coupons to share with friends and family, or to keep for myself….

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Embrace Your Inner Inspector Gadget: Victoria’s Secret Knockout Front-Close Sport Bra Review

So, several weeks ago, I received some free Victoria’s Secret Sport products from Influenster through their VoxBox program. I was super excited, and just had to snap some shots for Instagram. Along with the Incredible Sports Bra and Knockout Tights, I received 20% off coupons to share with friends and family, or to keep for myself….

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Workout Wednesdays: These Are a Few of My Favorite Tees

Happy Hump Day, folks! As has been the case for the last few weeks, today is my rest day, and I spent much of my evening watching The Walking Dead and cleaning my room. I’m still here for the Workout Wednesdays Link Up, so never fear, friends. 🙂 I play a lot of volleyball. A….

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Workout Wednesdays: These Are a Few of My Favorite Tees

Happy Hump Day, folks! As has been the case for the last few weeks, today is my rest day, and I spent much of my evening watching The Walking Dead and cleaning my room. I’m still here for the Workout Wednesdays Link Up, so never fear, friends. 🙂 I play a lot of volleyball. A….