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Best Sports Bras for Large Chests: Big Boobs are Taxing

Happy Tax Day! Okay, I know it might not be so happy for everyone out there, but let’s just play pretend for a moment. As I was having difficulty coming up with a post today, I decided that I would write about a topic that I’m asked about on a pretty consistent basis: What is…

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Friday Five: Five Things I Did This Week

This was quite an eventful week! The week kicked off April, as well as a week of pretty good weather here in the D.C. area. Hallelujah! Though, it was weird that the week started off with snow… This week, as with the last two weeks, I’m participating in the DC Trifecta Friday Five Link-Up, hosted by…

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Fit Review: Road Runner Sports & Shoe Dog

This weekend, I had the most epic fitness shopping experience of my life. The Boyfriend and I ventured over to Road Runner Sports in Rockville, Maryland. I’d done some research about the store before our trip, which is how I determined that this is where I wanted to purchase running shoes — one of the…