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Workout Wednesdays: These Are a Few of My Favorite Tees

Happy Hump Day, folks! As has been the case for the last few weeks, today is my rest day, and I spent much of my evening watching The Walking Dead and cleaning my room. I’m still here for the Workout Wednesdays Link Up, so never fear, friends. 🙂 I play a lot of volleyball. A….

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Workout Wednesdays: These Are a Few of My Favorite Tees

Happy Hump Day, folks! As has been the case for the last few weeks, today is my rest day, and I spent much of my evening watching The Walking Dead and cleaning my room. I’m still here for the Workout Wednesdays Link Up, so never fear, friends. 🙂 I play a lot of volleyball. A….

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Fit Food: AMRAP Bars Review + GIVEAWAY

UPDATE: AMRAP made a change to the prizes! Please check below for more information! If you’re a regular reader and/or social media follower, then you know that I am always on the hunt for good things to grab and go for pre- and post-workout. As I’ve gotten more serious about running, I’ve discovered that this…

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Fit Food: AMRAP Bars Review + GIVEAWAY

UPDATE: AMRAP made a change to the prizes! Please check below for more information! If you’re a regular reader and/or social media follower, then you know that I am always on the hunt for good things to grab and go for pre- and post-workout. As I’ve gotten more serious about running, I’ve discovered that this…

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Workout Wednesdays: What’s In Your Gym Bag?

Happy Hump Day! Is is still considered Hump Day, since most people in the States had Monday off…?  I hope you’re having a wonderful first week of September! I know I am! I spent the first day of September (Labor Day) getting my sweat on! Sweatember, I think they call it? My brother and I…

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Workout Wednesdays: What’s In Your Gym Bag?

Happy Hump Day! Is is still considered Hump Day, since most people in the States had Monday off…?  I hope you’re having a wonderful first week of September! I know I am! I spent the first day of September (Labor Day) getting my sweat on! Sweatember, I think they call it? My brother and I…