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Beauty Time Out: Rimmel London Scandaleyes Mascara Review

Full disclosure: I received the Influenster Spring VoxBox, which contained a number of products, including the Rimmel London Scandaleyes Mascara. The review contained herein includes my honest thoughts and opinions on the product.

Those who know me know that I’m not one to be super glammed up with makeup on at all times. If and when I do wear makeup, I usually just fill in my brows, put on a little eye shadow, liner, and mascara, and I’m good to go — in 5 minutes or less. I generally have clear skin, and I just don’t like the feeling of having makeup caked on top of my face.

However, I do own my fair share of makeup, and I’d say that I’m loyal to certain products that I love, and don’t mind spending a little extra for good quality — especially since I don’t have to replenish them very often. Now, obviously this doesn’t mean that I’m going to pick the most expensive product each time just because I like it; that’s just careless!
So, when I received my VoxBox and saw Rimmel London Scandaleyes Mascara in the box, I thought, this should be interesting. I’d recently purchased some Rimmel London lipstick which I absolutely love, but only had one other experience with the brand — a super clumpy old mascara from probably seven years ago. I decided to give it a whack anyway. I mean, I could always wash it off if it caused my lashes to look jacked up, right?

Well, lo and behold, the mascara is amazing! The bristles are nicely spaced, and there are ample bristles, which means that I don’t have to worry about having those spider leg lashes where half of my lashes are stuck together. These separate my lashes nicely and make my already long lashes look even longer. I mean, take a look at the before and after picture! (And try not to go cross-eyed when you look at it. I have not been so lucky…)

From top to bottom: Before mascara, after mascara.

I really like another brand of mascara, but after trying this mascara, I realized that it has the same results for about A SIXTH of the price! Seriously! Rimmel products are widely available at nearby stores like Target and CVS, so I know it will be easy to replace whenever I run out of it.

Another good thing about this mascara is that it is pretty easy to remove. Sometimes I feel like I have to rip out my individual lashes just to get caked-on mascara off of my face, but not with Scandaleyes. It comes off super easily, which is such a convenient little feature for a busy lady like myself. Ain’t nobody got time to be rippin’ mascara off their face!

TL; DR: I highly recommend Scandaleyes Mascara by Rimmel London. It is really amazing!

How do you decide if you like a mascara? Have you ever had trouble getting mascara off of your lashes? Are there any brands with which you are loyal?

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