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Workout Wednesdays: Favorite Race

It’s that time of the week again! That’s right, y’all! It’s Workout Wednesday! The irony of the last couple of weeks is that Wednesday has become my rest day with all of my half marathon training. That’s right — Workout Wednesdays minus the Workout. (Insert Kanye shrug here.) I’ve been playing an insane amount of…

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Workout Wednesdays: Favorite Race

It’s that time of the week again! That’s right, y’all! It’s Workout Wednesday! The irony of the last couple of weeks is that Wednesday has become my rest day with all of my half marathon training. That’s right — Workout Wednesdays minus the Workout. (Insert Kanye shrug here.) I’ve been playing an insane amount of…

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Workout Wednesdays: What’s Your Favorite Sport?

People, people, people… I am POOPED! I started my old/new job this week (I’ll explain some other time), and I have been helping out with the college volleyball team I’m assistant coaching this season. Between the job transition, coaching, and trying to get some rest, I have been neglecting my exercise and blog. I’m sorry!…

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Workout Wednesdays: What’s Your Favorite Sport?

People, people, people… I am POOPED! I started my old/new job this week (I’ll explain some other time), and I have been helping out with the college volleyball team I’m assistant coaching this season. Between the job transition, coaching, and trying to get some rest, I have been neglecting my exercise and blog. I’m sorry!…

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Workout Wednesdays: What’s In Your Gym Bag?

Happy Hump Day! Is is still considered Hump Day, since most people in the States had Monday off…?  I hope you’re having a wonderful first week of September! I know I am! I spent the first day of September (Labor Day) getting my sweat on! Sweatember, I think they call it? My brother and I…

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Workout Wednesdays: What’s In Your Gym Bag?

Happy Hump Day! Is is still considered Hump Day, since most people in the States had Monday off…?  I hope you’re having a wonderful first week of September! I know I am! I spent the first day of September (Labor Day) getting my sweat on! Sweatember, I think they call it? My brother and I…

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Workout Wednesdays: Workout Fuel (Plus the ENERGYbits #Giveaway Continues!)

Happy Hump Day! I hope you were able to power through the first half of the week, and that you have smooth sailing the rest of the week! I, for one, have had a wicked busy week, y’all. Homegirl is tired! But, never fear! I leave for a conference in Ocean City tomorrow, so I…

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Workout Wednesdays: Workout Fuel (Plus the ENERGYbits #Giveaway Continues!)

Happy Hump Day! I hope you were able to power through the first half of the week, and that you have smooth sailing the rest of the week! I, for one, have had a wicked busy week, y’all. Homegirl is tired! But, never fear! I leave for a conference in Ocean City tomorrow, so I…