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Workout Wednesdays: Favorite Race

It’s that time of the week again! That’s right, y’all! It’s Workout Wednesday!

The irony of the last couple of weeks is that Wednesday has become my rest day with all of my half marathon training. That’s right — Workout Wednesdays minus the Workout. (Insert Kanye shrug here.) I’ve been playing an insane amount of volleyball, plus the half marathon training, plus the new job; I’ve been one tired woman! Fortunately, the training plan requires rest, because around Tuesday evening, I start to feel like maybe I’m overexerting myself, and I know I would push myself too hard — potentially injuring myself. Tonight, I went to check out this bizarre movie, Maze Runner, with a friend. (I can’t really tell you what it was about, because I don’t really know.) My knees and lower back are so happy that I did!

So, back to the #WOWlinkup. The theme for this week is to discuss your favorite race. Note: If you want to participate, check out the rules and explanation over at Femme Fitale Fit Club.

Being a newbie runner, I haven’t actually participated in any race more than once (yet). It’s actually weird to think about, but it’s true. I don’t have a favorite race (yet). I will say, however, that I really enjoyed the 5K FoamFest obstacle course race I did back in July. It was fun, yet super challenging. I wasn’t really prepared for the actually running part of the race (the most important part, I know), but it really pushed me, and I got to run it with great friends! Hopefully I’ll have a bunch more races under my belt at this point next year, and I’ll have a better answer!

What’s your favorite race? How do you spend your rest days?

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  1. I agree with yo – I can't say I have a favorite race because the only race I ran more than once was Susan G. Komen and I first ran it in 2005 and again in 2013. SOOOO 8 years later I returned to the race. LOL It was so crowded I couldn't really get a pace going because more folks were walking than running. BUT it was for a very good cause. I find that I like just straight races vs. fanfare so give me open road and I am GONE! Congrats on the new job. #wowlinkup

  2. I agree with yo – I can't say I have a favorite race because the only race I ran more than once was Susan G. Komen and I first ran it in 2005 and again in 2013. SOOOO 8 years later I returned to the race. LOL It was so crowded I couldn't really get a pace going because more folks were walking than running. BUT it was for a very good cause. I find that I like just straight races vs. fanfare so give me open road and I am GONE! Congrats on the new job. #wowlinkup

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