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Social Distancing: Day 3

:: In my Ice Cube voice :: Today was a good day.

While I didn’t do most of the things I planned to do today (my sincerest apologies, yesterday), I did manage to get some serious cycling in – I biked just over 18 miles today!

As I lay here, struggling to keep my eyes open, lower back lathered up in muscle rub, I feel proud of myself for what I was able to accomplish today! Sure, I didn’t write an additional blog post, use a facial mask, or give myself a foot bath, but fresh air and a great workout was enough self-care for me for one day!

I’m still teleworking for at least the next week and a half, so I spend hours in front of the computer at home, but it’s definitely nice to be able to cook healthy meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I eat way healthier when I cook all of my meals, and I also get to experiment with different spices and flavor combos that we have in our pantry. Cooking is very therapeutic for me, so I guess it’s another form of self-care!

I’m also finally getting around to trying out some of the healthy snacks that brands send me. Those tend to pile up around here if I don’t give them to my indoor cycling students, my fiance, my family or my coworkers (in that order). I might actually start adding these to my Instagram stories just to document them so I can remember which ones I want to buy more of later!

I have now officially worn all of my brand new Balega socks at least twice now, but I still can’t decide which ones I like the most! This pair I wore today I originally thought were men’s socks (I think I was making some weird assumptions based on the color and cut), and they helped keep my dogs from barking on this bike ride. Balega socks are seriously the best, and I’m so glad I get to serve as an ambassador this year!


I’m proud of myself for riding my bike for 18+ miles, but I’m also super sleepy and sore.

What’s Up Next? 

  • Normally, I would be teaching my 7 a.m. indoor cycling class tomorrow morning. Since our gym is closed, I’m still hoping to get in some fitness before I start my work for the day. Goal: A good run. I’m thinking 5k, but that will really depend on how well I sleep and how sore I am in the morning.
  • I definitely need to incorporate some self-care tomorrow in some way aside from fitness. Maybe I’ll do the foot bath and facial mask at the same time.
  • I want to crack open a book tomorrow, even if for only an hour.
  • Those pending blog posts, man. I need to chip away at publishing them, starting tomorrow!
That’s really all of the planning I’m willing to make for tomorrow. Today I wasn’t even close, so I’m probably being a bit overly ambitious for tomorrow, but what do I have to lose?

How are you dealing with teleworking and/or quarantines while the world battles the coronavirus pandemic? Any tips for tackling boredom and cabin fever? What is something you’ve managed to accomplish this week that you wouldn’t have been able to accomplish if you were on your regular schedule?

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