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Social Distancing: Day 4

Day 4 wasn’t so bad.

Admittedly, I did a ton of work on Day 4, but I managed to break it up with a trip to my office to pick up an extra monitor, a grocery store trip to restock on vegetables, and a nice, short run.

The weather was pretty nice, the sun was shining, and it didn’t feel quite as miserable. It’s probably because I left the house. On days where I stay inside all day and don’t get any fresh air, I feel absolute dread take over. Yes, I worked until my eyes got super heavy and I had to hit the hay at 11:00 p.m., but I wasn’t upset about it.

As for the fitness component of my new routine, I went for a 1.5 mile run at a decent pace. I ran it sort of like intervals, sprinting up a couple of hills. I’ve felt physically weaker since this whole mandated-quarantine business started, and I’m trying to figure out how to tackle that. I think some additional sunlight will help on days where I can’t get outdoors as much.

I have a balcony, and if it’s not rainy or too cold, I could probably benefit from sitting out there for a couple of hours. It’s hard when I have to take conference calls because I swear that’s when this one kid in the neighborhood starts dribbling a basketball up and down the street, but I think I really have to get outdoors more. It really is a natural mood booster for me!

I was definitely working up a sweat after those sprints, so I finally tried out this Hint water I received during a Sculp’d event last month. To be totally honest, I was so thirsty drinking the first half of it that I didn’t actually taste it; however, I liked it when I wrapped up the second half! It was a nice treat! Side note: Today I learned that they also make personal care products. Did you guys know that? I’m going to have to give their deodorant and sunscreen a try!

After the run, I took a shower while my leftovers heated up (multitasking for the win!), gobbled up that dinner,  and went back to work. It’s amazing what you accomplish when you just get in the zone and tune the world out, isn’t it?

I’ve still been horrible at scheduling that self-care time. I’m hopeful that the weekend will deliver me with a clearer head and some additional time for just chilling. Stay tuned!


I learned that I absolutely need fresh air in order to put me in the best mood possible, especially while social distancing. As I noted in my post from Day 1, social distancing while you’re an extrovert ain’t easy, but now I know at least one tool to help offset that challenge!

How are you dealing with teleworking and/or quarantines while the world battles the coronavirus pandemic? Any tips for tackling boredom and cabin fever? What is something you’ve managed to accomplish this week that you wouldn’t have been able to accomplish if you were on your regular schedule?

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