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Social Distancing: Day 2

It’s Day 2 of our statewide quarantine, and I’m doing a little better with combating monotony. I got in a bit of exercise today, got some fresh air, and took a few work phone calls. Was my day exciting? Absolutely not. Was it more interesting than yesterday? Totally!

I started out the day with some fasted cardio. It was mostly by accident (I realized I hadn’t eaten once I started running), but I felt great! I actually ran my fastest mile in a while! How did I manage to pull that off? It was likely the fact that I kept quickly crossing the street every time I saw someone up ahead on the sidewalk. I am practicing social distancing, after all. 
The weather was actually a lot warmer than I thought it was going to be, which was a pleasant surprise! It was sunny, and the air felt fantastic. Victory in running this morning!
After my run, I broke my fast with a healthy breakfast. I sat down to eat as I began my work for the day. I actually haven’t had any coffee since Sunday morning, but I have been drinking chai first thing in the morning. Maybe tomorrow I’ll polish off the chai and move back over to coffee. The week is young!
As I mentioned, I took some calls, which helped speed my day along, believe it or not. At the end of the workday, I decided to make some chicken tikka masala and curried lentils for dinner. This turned out to be an excellent plan. Now I have some super delicious leftover for tomorrow’s lunch!


All told, I had a pretty productive and varied day today. I didn’t feel the sense of dread that I felt yesterday, but I also effectively made the decision to just go ahead and get outside when I felt like I was going a little stir crazy. It’s amazing what a little fresh air can do for your mind!

What’s Up Next?

I’m going to try to go for a bike ride tomorrow morning. We’ll see how that goes, but I’m feeling hopeful! I may even try to make it a brick workout and run after I return from my bike ride. We’ll see if I’m feeling froggy in the morning.

I think I’m also going to do something in the self-care arena. I have some facial masks I’ve been wanting to try, but I’d also like to do a nice footbath! Who knows if I’ll have a chance to do both in one day, so I’m just going to set a goal of doing at least one.

I’d also really like to try to write an additional blog post tomorrow – something not quarantine-related. I have several in draft form that I need to just go ahead and finish, so maybe one of those will emerge as a published post tomorrow!

Finally, I have some workouts I’ve built that I would love to share with you guys. I even have some Spotify playlists to go along with them! Keep your eyes peeled for these workouts! Are you interested in virtually working out with me for free?

How are you dealing with teleworking and/or quarantines while the world battles the coronavirus pandemic? Any tips for tackling boredom and cabin fever? What is something you’ve managed to accomplish this week that you wouldn’t have been able to accomplish if you were on your regular schedule?

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