The DietBet is Over: Did I Make It?

For the month of January, I wanted to kick off 2014 the right way — eating healthier and burning some calories!

In my efforts to achieve this goal (and lose weight) I signed up for a DietBet with Blogilates. The challenge was to lose 4% of your body weight over a 28-day period. You pay $30 to join, and if you don’t make your goal, you lose the money. If you do make your goal, you get your money back PLUS your share of the pot from the losers of the DietBet.

So, did I make it?


Not only did I lose 4% of my body weight during that time, but I also lost an extra 2 pounds! I’ll admit, I was a lardy water gut after the holidays, so I was able to lose the weight pretty quickly by not eating like a defensive tackle, drinking more water, and forcing myself to exercising when I’d rather lounge around and binge on Netflix. Man. What a lazy bum…

What made it fun was that I was competing against thousands of other people, including The Boyfriend and his dad. It was fun to weigh in and talk trash over who was going to win. It was especially funny when his dad tried to get me to eat and drink a lot at a family dinner. He kept encouraging me to order appetizers and dessert!

Now, the important question to ask…

Would I Do it Again?

Yes, I most certainly would, and I’m going to! Now, it is worth noting that the DietBet isn’t for everyone. If you don’t have 4% body weight to lose in a healthy matter, you should not be doing it. You should speak with your doctor, fo sho.

I’m going to be participating in The Transformer DietBet, which sets a goal of 10% body weight loss over 6 months. Does it sound crazy? Possibly, but I can lose 10% in a healthy way over that time period, and this was my goal anyway. Might as well get paid to do it! What I did was take my winnings from the Blogilates bet, transfer some of it to the next challenge (it cost me $25 to sign up, though I could’ve gotten a discount if I paid the bulk amount of $125 up front), and transfer the rest to my PayPal account. It was super easy!

This DietBet starts on February 9-10 (you can way in on either day). There are slightly different rules for this version. You don’t actually have to lose 10% all at once. Instead, you have to lose 3% the first month, and a certain percentage for each subsequent month. Interested in competing against me? Sign up here!

What are your thoughts on DietBet? Would you participate? Have you done it before? How do you incentivize your weight loss goals (besides the boring old, “I’ll feel better/healthier” line)?

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