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5 Reasons Why I Love Being A Sweat Pink Ambassador

Exactly two weeks from today, I’m going to be in San Diego for Blogfest and IDEA World! This will be my third year in a row at the conference, and the first time I will travel to San Diego. I can’t wait! Last year’s conference was in Las Vegas, and the 2016 conference was in Los Angeles. I’m hoping they’ll come to the East Coast at some point, but until then, I will fly my butt out west because I absolutely LOVE Blogfest!

Anyway, back to the reason I’m posting today! I thought that today was as good a day as any to explain why I love Sweat Pink/Fit Approach (our Blogfest hosts) so much, and why I love being a Sweat Pink Ambassador.

An Inclusive Community

As a person who has been involved with fitness (probably) since I first learned how to walk, I know that the fitness world can be a daunting place. It can be a very insular world, really — particularly for people with body types and skin colors that aren’t typically portrayed in the fitness magazines, marketing, and media.

As a person who has battled with weight loss for the last 6 or 7 years, it has been very eye-opening as I have had more than a handful of moments where I’ve felt like an outsider in a world where I always felt comfortable. In the world of Sweat Pink, this is not the case! This community is so empowering, and I had truly felt like I can just be myself and not feel ashamed about my body or fitness level. There are so many inspirational people who are Sweat Pink Ambassadors because they keep it real and help lift up others. It has helped me to see that it’s just as important to motivate yourself as it is to support others. We’re stronger together, people! 

The IRL Friendships 

I’m an extrovert. I know I’m weird and can be awkward and goofy, but I’m not ashamed or embarrassed about it. I love meeting new people, and I’m especially excited to meet people in real life (IRL) who I have met or seen online. Which, of course, can make things a little awkward when I’m reminded that many bloggers are actually really shy and introverted IRL. It’s a little jarring at first, going to these blogger conferences and conventions. You might find someone who is so bubbly and talkative online, but who is nowhere near that in real life, and you realize that it’s just an online persona for some people. And that’s okay, as it’s their way of expressing themselves, but it’s still mind-boggling when it happens! On the flip side, there’s a dark side to blogging that rears its ugly head sometimes: I’m not going to call anyone out, but I’ve definitely been disappointed by people who have been very nice online, but downright mean IRL. Regardless, for every dud, there has probably been at least a half dozen really cool, down-to-Earth, welcoming people who I have truly enjoyed spending time with. Some I have even met outside of the conference, and actually get to do workouts with back home in the DC Area! I can’t wait to make even more friends this year!

Access to Opportunities

I have gotten to take advantage of some truly amazing opportunities from being a Sweat Pink Ambassador! Aside from getting complimentary admission to IDEA World where you get to sweat and bump shoulders with some of the top trainers and fitness pros in the world, I have gotten to discover tons of new brands and products.

Getting to work with Prana, Gixo, and Gerolsteiner (just to name a few) has been a real game changer for me! There have been soooooo many amazing companies that I may not have ever heard of or considered prior to being a Sweat Pink Ambassador, and now, many are part of my daily activities! Every year, I learn more, so I can’t wait to see what I’ll learn this year!

Strong Support System

Having a strong support system is critical to success! You need folks there to help you when you are down and out, to cheer you on when you experience victories, and to expand your mind to alternative ways of viewing things when you’re stuck. I have found the Sweat Pink Ambassador network to do all of the above! I have other Sweat Pink Ambassadors who keep tabs on me, and I’d like to think that I return the favor. Just a quick check in with a friend every few months can mean the world to someone!

What I love about being a Sweat Pink Ambassador is that people are so willing to share information with one another. I’m a big believer in the principle that we are all stronger when we support each other, and that there is room for everyone who wants to succeed to be able to do so. That’s part of the Sweat Pink ethos, really. People don’t get shut out of all the Sweat Pink goodness because they’re not a blogger, or don’t have enough followers, or are too old, or aren’t a size 0. Everyone has an opportunity to succeed, and I think that’s really emphasized through the support system.

Jamie, Alyse, Nicci, Liz, and Everyone Else Involved with Fit Approach are Incredible

These women are so lovely IRL. They really are! I was so worried when I first met Jamie and Alyse that they were going to ignore me because I was some lowly blogger (don’t ask me why I thought that, because I now realize I was projecting), but they did the opposite! They actually embraced me and told me they were happy to meet me, and that meant so much to me! They took the time to speak with everyone at the conference, and they’re always liking and commenting on social media posts for Sweat Pink Ambassadors. They are just really chill and friendly, and it’s incredible to think of the network they’ve built! It goes to show that kindness goes a long way and that you don’t have to be totally ruthless and cutthroat to be successful. Nicci and Liz are also amazing and provide a ton of support for the Ambassadors. They’re just all smiles! Everyone at Fit Approach just seems like the type of person you could hang out with for hours!

Side note: If you haven’t read Jamie’s birth story, give it a read. I’m not a mom, and still I’m not sure if I ever want to be one, but this story was so incredible and empowering that I highly recommend it for everyone (save for the squeamish).

I’m really appreciative of all that being a Sweat Pink Ambassador has done for me. Finding Sweat Pink has truly been life-changing for me, and I really cherish these experiences and friendships. Can you tell I’m really looking forward to my trip this month?!

Have you ever been part of a group where you feel totally comfortable just letting loose and being yourself? 

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  1. OMG I love this SO much! Our community really is so freaking fantastic, and it absolutely wouldn't be the same without you! I always love getting to work with you on campaigns, and I'm so excited to see you again in San Diego in just 10 days! xoxoxoxo

  2. OMG I love this SO much! Our community really is so freaking fantastic, and it absolutely wouldn't be the same without you! I always love getting to work with you on campaigns, and I'm so excited to see you again in San Diego in just 10 days! xoxoxoxo

  3. Alexis, you brought me to tears with this post. <3 I’m so honored to know you and so touched and – let’s just say it – over the moon happy that you’re part of the sweat pink fam, and that it feels so welcoming and inclusive and supportive – that was exactly what we hoped and worked toward and I’m just … tickled pink and so happy. Going to miss seeing you in person this year but can’t wait for next time!!!

  4. Alexis, you brought me to tears with this post. <3 I’m so honored to know you and so touched and – let’s just say it – over the moon happy that you’re part of the sweat pink fam, and that it feels so welcoming and inclusive and supportive – that was exactly what we hoped and worked toward and I’m just … tickled pink and so happy. Going to miss seeing you in person this year but can’t wait for next time!!!

  5. This post is everything and more. It seriously brought tears to my eyes (and not just because I have all the new mom hormones – hahah). When we created this community, it was to inspire, motivate and encourage ourselves and others to make fitness fun. It has helped me so much in my own journey and I feel like I've met the most incredible people because of it (yourself included!). We're so happy you sweat pink with us! So much love to you!

  6. Alexis you are such a kind person i think you attract your tribe. Sweat Pink has been such a great resource, support and motivation its women like you too who make it that way. Cant wait to see you Love xox

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