Friday Five: 5 Fitness Goals
Happy Friday! Since it’s Friday, you know what that means: time to link up to the DC Trifecta Friday Five Link-Up, hosted by Eat, Pray, Run DC, You Signed Up for What?!, and Mar on the Run. This week challenged me to come up with five fitness goals.
I have a ton of goals for myself for this year and the next. I believe it is important to always have a set of goals — big or small — that way you’re always working to improve yourself.
Narrowing this list down to just five goals was sort of tough, but it was a great exercise for me, especially as I begin to run more and train harder.
Here are my five current fitness goals:
- Run and Complete a Race – One of my teammates invited me to run a race at her daughter’s school in a few weeks, and it is a 4 miler. This will be my first official race of the year. I’m really afraid to do it because I have never run a race at that distance, but I’m going to have to just suck it up and do it. I know I can do it, but I’m really worried about not finishing quickly enough, or not finishing at all. I’m not sure why I’m so freaked out by it. It’s hosted by an elementary school, for Pete’s Sake!
- Get Faster! – I have really gotten back into running, which is great! (Major thanks and a shout out to Jill Conyers and the Run This Year April Instagram Challenge.) Now that I’m running more frequently, it would be great if I could stay focused on these runs and begin to run faster. This will help me overcome my fear of #1 on this list.
- Go For One Long Run Weekly – I’m looking to up my miles as the weather warms up, and the best way I can see myself doing this is by going for one long run a week. I’m currently getting in about 10 miles/week (I don’t know how I manage to do that with my crazy schedule), and I’d like to tag on at least two or three extra miles a week. I know I can do it!
- Re-Incorporate Lifting into my Weekly Routine – I am getting stronger and more toned but I am not losing weight, which has been a little frustrating (to say the least). Frankly, I need to get over the number on the scale. On Monday, I wore a dress I bought last year that did not fit, and I fit into it perfectly. On Sunday, I wore a skirt that fit well last year, but was falling off of me that day (ain’t nobody got time to change again when you already left the house!). These are amazing victories! Better yet, I noticed a delineation in my arm for a bicep last night! Go me! I still want to get stronger though. I really want to strengthen my shoulders and back, and the best way for me to do that is by lifting weights. Before I started running again, I was sporadically lifting, and now I have gone to 0 weights lifted weekly. This
- Try Something New – This is always one of my fitness goals. There are so many fun and different ways to exercise, and they’re all calling my name (okay, except maybe Dungeons and Dragons Yoga). I can’t wait to mix it up and try something new this Spring, of course sharing the details with all of you!