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Happy National Running Day!

If you’ve been off social media all day, you might have missed that it is National Running Day!

There is a lot going on today, so I’m going to try not to overwhelm you for once!

First, make sure that you check out the official National Running Day website. They have all kinds of cool info and images there for your viewing pleasure.

Next, check out my fellow Sweat Pink Ambassador/one of my favorite bloggers Cynthia at You Signed Up for What?! She has some pretty cool running-related discounts up on her site. Check it out here!

Today, I am linking up with some of my fellow Sweat Pink Ambassadors for a National Running Day “interview.” A special shout out is in order for Kristen from Jonesin’ for a Run for putting this together!

Finally, I have some big news to share, but I’ll save that for the end. 🙂

  1. Why do you run? I love the peace of mind and clarity I feel when running. I almost always run alone, and it’s a great way for me to clear my head. I love that it has helped with my endurance for volleyball, and it is making my legs look pretty awesome. I originally took up running to up my cardio and help with weight loss, but now it’s becoming more of a way of life. I’m so happy that I’ve come to love running, and can finally call myself a runner! 
  2. How do you plan to celebrate National Running Day? I will be doing a fun run with Road Runner Sports in Rockville, Maryland. My boyfriend will be joining me, so I hope that he doesn’t completely leave me in the dust. He is FAST! 
  3. How many miles have you run so far this year? I’ve run somewhere between 50 to 100 miles this year (more or less). I have run more than 30 miles in races alone this year! 
  4. What big events do you have on the race calendar so far this year? I’m running the Nike Women’s 15k in Toronto next weekend, followed by the Wipeout Run the following Saturday. The Nike race will be the first time I run outside of the U.S., and the Wipeout Run will be the first race I run with my dad and brother. The biggest race I have coming up this year is the Annapolis Running Classic (keep reading after the interview to learn more). 
  5. Before you leave for a run you must have: Total focus. Sometimes it takes me a while to get out the door when I’m preparing for a run. I’m a bit pokey anyway, but it seems especially so when it’s time for me to run. In order to continue to love running, I have to go at my own pace — even before I start! 
  6. Do you have one favorite app to track your runs? Hmm… this is a tough one. I feel like I have a million gadgets when I run! I have a Fitbit, Milestone Pod, Garmin watch, and my cell phone when I go on a longer run. I’d say that the Garmin is probably the most important of my gadgets, because it helps me keep track of my pace while I’m running. 
    Judy and I after the Color
    Run in Baltimore, May 2015.
  7. Who is your favorite running partner? Tough question! I almost always run alone, so Irarely have consistency with partners. I guess the person I’ve run with the most has been my friend and volleyball teammate Judy. I’m 99% sure I run at half her speed, but she’s always willing to go at my pace, even when I say, “go on without me!” Judy is great company in general, but she’s an especially awesome running partner. Most recently, she ran the Color Run in Baltimore with me. She rocks! 
  8. What races have you ran so far this year? Cherry Blossom 10-Miler, American Odyssey Relay, Girls on the Run 5k (as a safety runner), and The Color Run
  9. If you had to give someone one piece of advice about running what would it be? Everyone is a runner, no matter how fast or slow. Run at your own pace, and you will grow to love it! 
  10. Describe your relationship with running in one word: Peace.

So now on to the breaking news…

This afternoon, I was selected to be a 2015 Annapolis Running Classic A-Team Member! That essentially means that I am a race ambassador for the Annapolis Running Classic this year. I am so excited! This will be the first half marathon I’ve ever signed up to do, and instead of feeling completely terrified, I actually feel like I’m ready to do it this year! This is the first time I’ve ever repeated a race, and I’m so happy to be doing so in my state’s capital! I have been running all year, building up my race distances, and really growing to love running. I’m ecstatic! I’ll be receiving a discount code and some other info to share with you all soon. Stay tuned!

Tomorrow evening, be on the lookout for a MAJOR giveaway I’ll be running with Team Bloggin’ & Joggin’. BIG! Make sure you’re following me on Instagram so that you can enter the giveaway!

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