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The Last Day of my September Whole 30

Happy Tuesday! Can you believe it’s already October? This fall is just whizzing by! 
Today is the last day of my first Whole 30, and it’s a bittersweet ending. I know that it doesn’t actually have to end, but it was pretty exciting having a goal and a timeline and checking off the little boxes on my calendar each day I completed. I’m super proud of myself for taking it seriously all month and not cheating! I feel great, I’ve lost weight, and I feel like I’ve finally gotten my diet back in check. I can’t wait to share my final results with you – along with my general thoughts on the program – but for now, that’s all I’m going to tell you until I’m done (which is in less than 24 hours! Wow!). 

Let’s see… What else is going on?

On Sunday, I took a free yoga class at The North Face in Georgetown. It was led by Erin, owner of the soon-to-open Up Healing, Wellness, Adventure in Downtown Silver Spring, MD. I actually met Erin once before, as she taught two of the classes run by my friend’s non-profit organization for which I’m a board member. I found out about the class from Mar (of Mar on the Run fame, of course!), who invited me to join her as a guest. We had a great class, and I felt super zen by the time I left. There was breakfast provided  by Dean and Deluca, but I unfortunately only got to eat fruit since I was still going strong with the Whole 30. Those pastries looked so good, but it wasn’t worth ruining my program!
Now that I’m finally in a good routine with my diet, I’ve cranked up my exercise and I’m working on blogging more again. I miss sharing my adventures with you guys! I hope you missed my more-regular posting too! 
When I say I’ve cranked up my exercise, I’m not kidding. Sunday’s yoga class was my third yoga class of the week, and I played volleyball later that day too! I’ve been playing volleyball three times a week, practicing yoga at least once a week, and I’ve been going to BodyPump classes on Thursdays. Now I’m ready to get back into my running! I have a couple of races coming up before the end of the year, and I need to get back into the running game! 
Thanks to BibRave, I have an online running coach through this new app called Ekiden. As a BibRave Pro, I get to test out the beta version of this app for a few weeks. I’m excited because I’ve never worked with a running coach before, but I’ve always been interested in giving it a try! My coach, Fiona, touched base with me over the weekend to talk about my current training and goals. I can’t wait to see the workouts Fiona has me run! If you want to give it a try, use the code BibRave16 to get a free month of training when you sign up for three months. Woohoo!
Finally, I can’t believe that the Annapolis Running Classic is just next month! It felt like it was so long ago when I first signed up, but now it’s almost here! It feels like it really crept up on me! The 10k is already 75% sold out, so it must be creeping up on some other people too! I ran the 10k my first year running the race, and it was a great course. It was flat, you ran with the half marathoners for most of the race, and you get to run through the heart of Annapolis without dealing with cars on the road. What’s not to love? Oh, and the best part? The beer, oysters, and tomato soup at the finish line. Yasssss! Sign up! What are you waiting for? Use the code ALEXIS16 to take 10% off, and quit lollygagging! You don’t want to miss out on this race!
What do you have going on this fall? Are you running any races? Have you ever tried the Whole 30 program or anything similar?

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