
10 Things I’m Leaving Behind in 2018

I know we’ve all seen a bunch of posts on social media with folks reflecting on their year, posting their favorite members, and talking about their resolutions for 2019. At the end of each year, I like to reflect on the year and recalibrate for the upcoming year. I don’t necessarily do “resolutions” in the traditional sense, but I’m all about setting goals throughout the year anyway, so why not set some more at the dawn of a new year?

So this year, I’m trying something new: I’m choosing 10 specific things I’m leaving behind in 2018, for real for real. Throughout the year, I told myself to stop doing these things, but I’m stubborn and hard headed so I didn’t even listen to myself. Now that I’m throwing it out there in the universe (otherwise known as the internet), I have to do them, right?

  1. Overbooking myself with activities, and underbooking myself with relaxation and recovery. This was a big problem for me this year. I often scheduled myself for one or two things after work and two or three things per day on the weekend. This resulted in some serious exhaustion and a fragile immune system towards the end of this year. 
  2. Poor time management when it comes to my business. Yikes. This one took a while for me to realize, but now that I’ve admitted it to myself, I have no choice but to improve here. I learned this phrase this summer, and I’ve been trying to apply it more frequently: Eat the frog. This sounds disgusting, but it really does help with planning and time management. The idea is to do the worst thing first (which, for me, is usually the most time-consuming and boring activity), and then everything else seems so much easier. I have all of the tools I need to set myself up for success – I just need to make the time to use them!
  3. Not running. I signed up for the Cherry Blossom 10 Mile Run… AND I GOT ACCEPTED! I really love this race, but due to special circumstances, I haven’t been able to run it the last two years. I signed up to make myself train. I have been missing running a lot lately, so I think it’s time to pound some pavement again! 
  4. Skipping strength training. In order to make sure that I am on track with my running, volleyballing, and cycle teaching, I really need to make sure to incorporate more weight training into my weekly schedule. 
  5. All the sugar I ate in the month of December! No further explanation needed. 
  6. Lame excuses – I’ve had so many lame excuses as far as why I’m skipping a workout or not doing something that will really help me out in some way or another. Fortunately, with a new job and a more positive outlook, I think I can do a much better job with cutting out lame excuses. I have more time, energy, and happiness in my life heading into 2019!
  7. Just being a substitute indoor cycling instructor. I know I shouldn’t say “just,” because substitute teaching a few dozen indoor cycling classes was amazing for me this year! I got to practice teaching to different types of students, at different hours of the day, in different gyms, and on different days of the week. I loved it! BUT, as I announced on Instagram and Facebook earlier today, I will have two classes of my own on the schedule at my gym, starting THIS THURSDAY! I’ll be teaching on Tuesday evenings at 6:45 p.m. and Thursday mornings at 7:00 a.m. I cannot wait! 
  8. The packaging on my tent – I need to crack that bad boy open and take it on a camping trip! I have had this tent for over a year now, and I have not used it once. Shameful. I am hoping to get in at least two camping trips this year. I had so much fun last time!
  9. Too much comparison, not enough action. “Comparison is the enemy of progress.” Ain’t that the truth? Sometimes I find myself comparing what I’m doing to what someone else in a similar space is doing. It doesn’t happen all the time, but I always feel a little grossed out with myself when I catch myself doing it. “Focus on yourself, homegirl,” is what I have to remind myself. The truth is, the less time I spend comparing myself to other people, the more time I have to make stuff happen!
  10. At least another 10 pounds – I did such an awesome job with losing weight and getting myself into better shape, but I still have a ways to go. If I can shed at least 10 pounds before June 1 – which is totally realistic – and keep the weight off, I’ll be golden going into the summer! I really want to teach some outdoor bootcamp classes this summer, so I have to continue to slim myself down so that I’m ready for it!

So there you have it! I’ll check in around June and see how I’m doing with these things, and I’ll share updates with all of you beautiful people!

Here’s what some of my friends are leaving behind:

I spent much of 2018 frustrated over health issues that cost me so much time, money, and productivity. Looking back, it was an amazing year and my frustration did not help me at all. This year I am going to let go of my frustration and make the best of it. Just because I don’t feel well doesn’t mean I can’t be well.”

Lyn Lindbergh
Author, Couch to Active

I’m not a leave behind type of person, I like to bring all the lessons with me. And this year is no different.
I can come up with 1 thing I’m leaving behind. That is procrastination! (I say that every year…and I get better and better each year 🙂)

Nicci D’Amico Howard 
Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Nutrition Specialist

What are you leaving behind in 2018? What steps are you going to take to get there?

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