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The Last Day of my September Whole 30

Happy Tuesday! Can you believe it’s already October? This fall is just whizzing by!  Today is the last day of my first Whole 30, and it’s a bittersweet ending. I know that it doesn’t actually have to end, but it was pretty exciting having a goal and a timeline and checking off the little boxes…

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The Last Day of my September Whole 30

Happy Tuesday! Can you believe it’s already October? This fall is just whizzing by!  Today is the last day of my first Whole 30, and it’s a bittersweet ending. I know that it doesn’t actually have to end, but it was pretty exciting having a goal and a timeline and checking off the little boxes…


DIY Yoga Mat Cleaner

You enter child’s pose to release the tension in your lower back. You put your forehead on your yoga mat and take a deep breath in. That’s when it hits you… Your yoga mat smells like feet and sweaty funkiness! P.U.! What do you do when your yoga mat stinks? You clean it, of course!…