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Workout Wednesday: Workout Wishlist

I did it again, you guys! I woke up early enough that I didn’t have to sprint out of my house with goose feathers in my hair! Why goose feathers? Fun fact: I sleep with a down comforter year-round! Weird? Maybe, but I’m always cold!

I was reading this article from Women’s Health, which got me thinking about what I would love to have when I work out — especially when I am a good little fitness blogger and wake up early.

So, let’s get to it, shall we? Here are five things I would love to have to help me with my workouts:

  1. Wireless/Bluetooth Headphones – During my morning gym sessions, I like to do upper body workouts. The problem is, I have crazy long wires on my headphones, and sometimes they get wrapped around me. From time to time, I have to pull the wires behind me, just so that they don’t just me with doing dumbbell flyes. My dream headphones would be wireless, and therefore have Bluetooth capabilities. These Jabra REVO Wireless Bluetooth Stereo Headphones sound pretty sweet, though I would worry that my ears would get super sweaty and gross. Maybe I’m wrong, though.
  2. The Stick – Hear me out here: Having a recovery device that I could use at my desk when I’m drinking my coffee and reading news would be great for me. It’s not like I can just walk through my office building with some big ol’ foam roller! I’ve used The Stick before, but I don’t currently own one. 
  3. Waterproof Tunes – After reading this Tri Girl Chronicles post about her waterproof iPod Shuffle, I thought, I have to have this! Slowly but surely, I’ve been incorporating swim into my workout routine. It’s definitely lonely, quiet, and admittedly a little bit weird for me to swim in complete silence. I love to listen to music when I work out, as it gets my heart rate pumping, so this would be a cool gadget to own.
  4. Alarm Clock for Heavy Sleepers – I decided that, if I ever get rich, I’m definitely hiring someone to wake me up in the morning. I don’t care if they’re a personal chef or a nanny. All I know is that “waking my big butt up in the morning” will be a requirement. My parents tried to get me a ridiculous alarm clock years ago, but it was sold out. If you hit the snooze button (which I do for a minimum of an hour every morning, and acknowledge is completely ridiculous), it would let you get away with it the first time; the second time, it would just go berserk, rolling around on the floor so that you have to actually get up to stop it from driving you nuts. Too bad it was sold out, right? This list of alarm clocks for heavy sleepers features some pretty nutty clocks, though I’m sure any of them would work on me!
  5. GPS Watch – This is something I’ve been wanting for a few months now; unfortunately, they’re just so dang expensive! The Garmin GPS watches have my favorite design, but I can’t justify spending that much on a watch at the moment. For the time being, my unreliable phone will have to do. 
What are some things on your workout wishlist? What is your routine for getting up early in the morning? Do you listen to music while you work out?

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