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Workout Wednesday: My Neck! My Back! My Neck and My Back!

Happy Hump Day, y’all! I’m linking up with the lovely ladies in the WOW Linkup, per usual, so be sure to check them out if you get a few extra minutes!

I’m just going to dive right in with this Workout Wednesday post, because it’s getting late, and my zen is starting to wear off. (Is that a thing?)

As you know, I usually take Wednesdays off, but I recently decided to turn my rest day into a yoga day, because stretching is super important, and yoga is so good for that!

I had a community event to attend for work, so I got home too late to go to my gym for the yoga class that kicked my butt two weeks ago. Never fear, though, because I found an amazing FREE yoga video that stretched me out something fierce. It focuses on stretching out your hips, hamstrings, and lower back for 47 minutes. I’m telling you guys, I will marry that Canadian man, as long as he promises to give me amazing yoga poses for the rest of my life (for free, obvi). I think that’s my zen talking…

I have had double header volleyball games the last two days, so, while my Fitbit is happy with me, my lower back is like…

Let me tell you, after that yoga video, my back, hips, hamstrings, and whole entire LIFE are feeling AMAZING! The last few minutes are spent in my favorite pose (savasana, duh), and the way he talks you through the breathing in this pose makes you feel so relaxed!

I used my yoga strap a couple of times during the video, but my hamstrings were really tight today. You may or may not need it. If you do, make sure you set it down by your side before you start the video.

Pro tip: Pause the video as soon as it starts, and let it load for about 2 minutes before you start. Oh, and make sure you consult your doctor before beginning a new workout program and all that jazz. 

So, let me hear from you! How did you spend your day today? What’s your favorite way to stretch out sore and tight muscles? Oh! And don’t forget! My WIN detergent giveaway is almost over! Enter to win ASAP! 

And just in case you didn’t get the reference to the post title: 

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  1. My motivation for working out is extremely low right now!! I'm not happy about it. I'm still hanging in there with Yoga and Pilates even if it's still not as often as I should be. I love that worn out feeling after a great yoga work out.

  2. Guurllll that is how I was looking at my coach as he made us sprint around the gym not 1, not 2 but 3 times!!!!! And one time I had to chase folks from behind and catch at least 1 person. Oh wait that was Saturday not Wednesday but still – it was hard, it hurt and I could barely breave! Yes, spelled with a "v" because I was gasping for breath and mercy!!! #wowlinkup

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