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Workout Wednesdays: What’s In Your Gym Bag?

Happy Hump Day! Is is still considered Hump Day, since most people in the States had Monday off…? 

I hope you’re having a wonderful first week of September! I know I am! I spent the first day of September (Labor Day) getting my sweat on! Sweatember, I think they call it? My brother and I ran across the Woodrow Wilson Bridge — a bridge that separates Maryland and Virginia by crossing the Potomac River. We didn’t run the full Woodrow Wilson Bridge Trail, which would have resulted in a 7-mile run, but we did run most of it, for a total of 5 miles. That was my second 5-mile run in four days, which sounds crazy to me as a newbie runner, but also sounds like I’m making great progress for being able to complete a 10K this month — my latest goal.

A volleyball friend of mine has basically convinced me to run the Annapolis Running Classic Half Marathon at the end of November, so I’ll be training a lot harder over the next few months so that I can successfully complete it. I’m looking forward to running this fall, especially since it won’t be in the 90s like it was on Monday (I hope!).

So today, like most Wednesdays, I am linking up with the lovely ladies of the Workout Wednesdays Link Up. This week’s theme is “What’s In Your Gym Bag?” Fortunately for me, I fairly recently posted about this as part of the #AwesomeInAugust Instagram Challenge!

As most of my fellow volleyball players know, you are constantly having to swap out the contents of your gym bag, or the gym bag itself. Yes, I wear different shoes for volleyball versus road running versus trail running. (My dad teased me about this over the weekend, as dads are wont to do.) As a result, I am forced to swap out shoes fairly regularly. It’s a pain in the butt, I’ll admit, but I don’t have a reasonable solution at this point in time, and shoes take up the bulk of the bag.

Some of my gym bag contents are consistent across purposes, but many of them change. For example, I keep my Yes! wipes in my gym bag because they are amazing, and I never know when I’ll need them. I keep my lock in the bag because I forget it otherwise (and have to rent one if I go to Washington Sports Club that day). I definitely keep my raggedy headphones and arm band in the bag, because I use these on a daily basis, and they’re easy to lose if they’re not in the bag. The other items, well, they change.

I like to pack an extra sweatshirt or shorts in my bag, since volleyball gyms can be cold, and because I don’t like walking the streets of Downtown Silver Spring with my donk hanging out in my spandex shorts. I like to have flip flops for my pool workouts, and also for summer volleyball games (I don’t wear my volleyball shoes outside). I may have a swim cap in that bag, or my running belt, and these things come flying out half the time when I’m packing for volleyball games.

Of course, these are the things I’m keeping in my bag for the summer. My bag gets pretty stuffed in the winter with extra layers, socks, gloves, etc. I’ll be the first to admit it: I leave all kinds of important things out of my bag in the winter, and always realize it at the last minute. I really need a better gym bag system for the winter. Suggestions?

Last but not least, before I wrap up this post, a final update on the #AwesomeInAugust Instagram Challenge winners!

Congratulations to Marla for winning the giveaway for the final week of the challenge!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Extra congratulations to the grand prize winners!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

These ladies rocked the #AwesomeInAugust Challenge in social media land!

Happy shopping to all of the winners, and please feel free to share with us what you ended up purchasing with your gift card!

Now, in honor of the first days of September:

Would you guys be totally mad at me if I used that kaleidoscope effect on all of my pictures from now on, because I’m kind of digging it…?

Do you have any exciting plans and/or goals for September? Are you going to be getting your sweat on this month? What are some of your favorite September jams?

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  1. Wooo hooooo I WON!!! *jumping up and down*. Ok ok I'll calm down. My gym bag stays CONSTANT!!! LOL. My husband hates it but hey – I am a simple woman and I can't change things up too much b/c I WILL forget something. I hear so many people run the Woodrow Wilson Bridge – it must be crowded with runners. Good luck on your 10K later this month and that half in November. You are gonna do great. #wowlinkup

  2. Wooo hooooo I WON!!! *jumping up and down*. Ok ok I'll calm down. My gym bag stays CONSTANT!!! LOL. My husband hates it but hey – I am a simple woman and I can't change things up too much b/c I WILL forget something. I hear so many people run the Woodrow Wilson Bridge – it must be crowded with runners. Good luck on your 10K later this month and that half in November. You are gonna do great. #wowlinkup

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