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The Last Day of my September Whole 30

Happy Tuesday! Can you believe it’s already October? This fall is just whizzing by!  Today is the last day of my first Whole 30, and it’s a bittersweet ending. I know that it doesn’t actually have to end, but it was pretty exciting having a goal and a timeline and checking off the little boxes…

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The Last Day of my September Whole 30

Happy Tuesday! Can you believe it’s already October? This fall is just whizzing by!  Today is the last day of my first Whole 30, and it’s a bittersweet ending. I know that it doesn’t actually have to end, but it was pretty exciting having a goal and a timeline and checking off the little boxes…

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Happy Global Running Day 2016!

Happy Global Running Day, friends! For the second year in a row, I am linking up with my fellow Sweat Pink Ambassador Kristen from Jonesin’ for a Run for a National/Global Running Day Interview! I’m also linking up with the Wild Workout Wednesday ladies, especially since they’re focusing in on Global Running Day this week. Bonus:…

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Happy Global Running Day 2016!

Happy Global Running Day, friends! For the second year in a row, I am linking up with my fellow Sweat Pink Ambassador Kristen from Jonesin’ for a Run for a National/Global Running Day Interview! I’m also linking up with the Wild Workout Wednesday ladies, especially since they’re focusing in on Global Running Day this week. Bonus:…

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Thursday Throwdown: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Oh, well hello there! I’m so glad you could join me today, because today is a special day: Today is the first day for the Thursday Throwdown! Woohoo! If you missed my introductory post about the Thursday Throwdown, you can check it out here. For today’s theme, we’re talking about spring cleaning, but maybe not…

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Thursday Throwdown: Choose Your Own Adventure!

Oh, well hello there! I’m so glad you could join me today, because today is a special day: Today is the first day for the Thursday Throwdown! Woohoo! If you missed my introductory post about the Thursday Throwdown, you can check it out here. For today’s theme, we’re talking about spring cleaning, but maybe not…