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Healthy Eating When You’re In a Rush + A GIVEAWAY

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. I received some free goods to try out from Sweet Earth. 

I’m a busy lady. Granted, I wasn’t terribly busy last week since I spent most of it in bed, miserable with strep throat. Seriously, how am I getting strep throat in my 30s? I don’t even think I got it in my 20s! Fortunately, I’m mostly over strep now. Good grief! Thanks to all of you guys who sent me well wishes while my dramatic self was seemingly on her death bed.

Okay, so back to the business at hand. I’m usually a very busy lady. Between work, volleyball (organizing the club and playing), indoor cycling, and ya know, my demanding day (and often times evening and weekends) job, I often have a hard time remembering to eat, or having something quick, easy, and healthy available when I need it. On weeks where I don’t have time to grab lunch, and I work so long during the day that it runs up against my evening events, the struggle to make healthy decisions is real!

Thank goodness for Sweet Earth. Seriously! They sent me their five most popular products to try out right when things started to get really crazy at work. There were a couple of nights in particular where I barely had time to change from my work clothes to my volleyball clothes, but I was able to pop a burrito in the microwave while I changed with lightning speed, and could eat it in the car or scarf one down while standing out the kitchen counter.

Not only is it quick and easy to prepare, but they’re actually really delicious and healthy! The vegetarian Pizza Mac and Cheese Artisan Bowl was my favorite dish of all the ones I tried, and had the highest amount of protein (21g). I was mostly surprised that there was no meat in it, because it definitely fooled me! But guys, it was so delicious! The fiance and I also tried the Curry Tiger, which was good. I would love to try some of the other artisan bowls. That Mushroom Ravioli has my name all over it!

My favorite burrito hands down is the Santa Cruz. The flavors are on point, and 19g of protein is nothing to smirk about. They have so many great flavor combos and the products just taste clean and healthy!

I’m actually really impressed by the company’s ethos. They really seem to care about the Earth, their employees, and their customers. I found this great video on their website:

Also, that location looks totally amazing. I would love to go and frolic in that kale! Weird? Maybe…

I’m not a huge meat eater myself, and I really do try to get a lot of my energy from plants. I’ve also been trying to incorporate more meatless meals into my meal planning, and I’ve done a lot of experimenting with vegetables this year (I cooked bok choy for the first time, for example). With some brands you notice that there is no meat in their products, but with Sweet Earth, I honestly had no idea until I started doing some research for this post. That’s how good it is!

Do you want to try out their line? Hop on over to this post on my Instagram page and find the giveaway details. Good luck!

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