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What Should Be My First Marathon?

I have been on a super wacky schedule lately; however, I have managed to (generally) stick to my modified Mediterranean Diet and lose a few more pounds. Eating more vegetables and lean protein is definitely helping my clothes fit a little looser, and my belly look a little slimmer. I’m not losing crazy amounts of weight, which is actually why I am encouraged. I know that this diet is sustainable, as long as I stay motivated.

Since I’ve been feeling more confident, motivated, and focused on my wellness, I came to the conclusion that I want to work on training for a marathon next year. Of course, this was inspired by all of the amazing speakers at the National Endurance Sports Summit, which I wrote about previously. I’m running my first half marathon in just a few weeks, so I know, with a bit of dedication to training, I can actually complete my first marathon. There’s just one problem…

I have no idea which marathon to run!

I’ve been mulling over in my head what type of marathon I should sign up for, but I’ve been coming up empty. I’d really love to run one in Maryland, such as the Baltimore Running Classic Marathon. I actually ran seven miles of that course just a couple of weeks ago, and I loved the energy of that race. I really have no preference for where in Maryland, should I choose to run in my home state, just that I don’t want too many hills!

Alternatively, I could run in a completely different state, or even another country! After running the Nike Women’s 15k in Toronto, I would totally be down to run another international race, even if it’s just across the border. I love traveling, and really enjoyed my first racecation/runcation (so much so, that I still haven’t written that recap… whoops!).  There are so many beautiful marathons hosted around the world. The possibilities are endless! So, I turn to you, wonderful reader:

What should be my first marathon?

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