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Stay Hydrated in 2016 [GIVEAWAY!]

Since one of my biggest goals for 2016 is to lose a significant amount of weight, I know that I will need to make sure I keep myself hydrated. On days where I’m playing volleyball, I don’t usually have a problem getting a good amount of water in my system. Unfortunately, it’s on days where I’m not playing, or where I’m sitting at my desk all day, when I am not getting enough water.

I know that I am motivated by competition, so what better way to challenge myself than to have a water bottle that will tell me when it’s time to get my drink on? What’s more, these are infusion water bottles, so I can add a little extra somethin’ somethin’ to my water while I’m at it!

I’m getting ready to order an infusion bottle from my friend Diatta over at Femme Fitale Fit Club, so I thought, why not host a giveaway so that one of my wonderful readers will get an opportunity to have one of these awesome water bottles as well?
Thankfully, Diatta is so amazing, and offered to send a free infusion water bottle to one of my readers! I will select the winner by using the Rafflecopter below!

Okay, so before we get to the giveaway, just a few quick things. First of all, what’s an infusion water bottle? If you don’t know, you betta ask somebody an infusion bottle allows you to place various ingredients in a little infusion basket, which then goes into the water to give it a little extra va-va-voom. Not sure what to put in it? You’re in luck! Diatta has a free e-book with 9 recipes for infused water, so you can start there.

Here’s a much bigger photo of the water bottle, so that you can read the words and see the time and ounce labels:

So, there you have it! Now on to the giveaway. Fill out the Rafflecopter to enter to win one of these super cute and motivating infusion water bottles.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Interesting in buying one for a friend, family member, or yourself? You can place an order today at the Femme Fitale Fit Club online store! They come individually, or in packs of 10, 15, or 20, in case you want to pick some up for your office or team! You can get 10% off your purchase with the promo code HAPPYHOLIDAYS10. Support small businesses, friends! And stay hydrated!

All photos courtesy of Diatta Harris

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  1. One of my goals is organization. I hope to keep all organized in my life from my closet to my calendar. I want to make the most of my time and management things better in 2016! 🙂

  2. One of my goals is organization. I hope to keep all organized in my life from my closet to my calendar. I want to make the most of my time and management things better in 2016! 🙂

  3. My goal is to eat less processed foods, spend more time with family, and get outside more.

  4. One of my goals for this year is to get pregnant, and therefore I need to stay fit. It is not an easy task, food now at days is not great. However, I am sure we can manage just by being a bit smarter about what we eat and that is also part of my goal in general. Thank you for the opportunity.

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