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That Time I Discovered I Might Like Watermelon After All

I received a free case of Health-Ade Kombucha‘s Paradise Variety Pack; nonetheless, all thoughts contained in this post are honest and come straight from the old noggin. This post does contain affiliate links, so if you make a purchase using the affiliate links, I may receive a small commission. Recently, I came to the conclusion…

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Weekly Recap: Ending the First Month of 2020

Last week was busy! I did a lot of activities, and while I wish I could say that I feel so refreshed because of it, that would just be a lie. By Sunday morning, I was so rundown that I had to cancel my morning running plans because I felt so terrible I couldn’t even…

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5 Brands I Loved On Day 1 of Expo East

I’m still recovering and reorganizing and reassessing after Natural Products Expo East. I met with so many different brands and tried so many different products that I’m still not sure I’ve digested everything from that week! Instead of writing one incredibly long post about my experience (maybe I still will), I’ve decided to break up…

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What I Learned from the #BasicBowl Nutrition Challenge

My friend Shanique hosted the #BasicBowlNutrition Challenge that ended yesterday, and it was truly transformative! I loved putting my bowls together, and it was amazing how quick and easy they were to build. It really took a lot of the guesswork out of cooking dinner after late nights of volleyball, spin class, and work. The…

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Happy Birthday…To Me!

Okay, just had to get that out of my system. Yes, it’s my birthday, and yes, despite it falling on a weekday this year, I enjoyed it tremendously. But… I’m not done celebrating. I got a little bit of celebrating out of my system over the weekend, but it was pretty mild. I’m still coming…

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I’m Almost Done with the Whole 30

Just one week to go in the January Whole 30! I’m proud of myself for making it this far, sad that I even had to do a reset, and mad that I still can’t have cheese. Suffice it to say I have a mixed bag of emotions. This Whole 30 was actually easier for me…

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Healthy Eating When You’re In a Rush + A GIVEAWAY

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post. I received some free goods to try out from Sweet Earth.  I’m a busy lady. Granted, I wasn’t terribly busy last week since I spent most of it in bed, miserable with strep throat. Seriously, how am I getting strep throat in my 30s? I don’t even think I…