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What I Did (or Didn’t Do) This Week

Sunday – On Sunday, I nearly made 10,000 steps. I worked all day, starting out in the wee hours of the morning. I was so tired by the end of the week, and was glad Downton Abbey came on for me to just plop on the couch and veg with my mom. Speaking of veg, I was over at my mom’s place, and she made some delicious kale. To be totally honest, I haven’t eaten kale since before it became the trendy thing to do. I forgot how much I love how my mom cooks it! We always ate more kale than collard greens when my mom made soul food back in the day. I’ve always preferred it over collard greens because I think it holds the flavor better. I also like the texture a lot more. I would’ve taken a picture, but I destroyed it in about 5 seconds 🙁

Monday – Back to Monday night volleyball! We played a decent team, but we still won (I mean, duh!). I got a pretty good workout, and my abs got an amazing workout because we always laugh a ton on Monday nights. We hadn’t played since the week before Christmas, but fortunately we had played together in some tournaments during the weekends in between, so I didn’t feel out of shape. All in all, it was a good night.

Tuesday – Tuesday night was another volleyball night. We played a decent team on Tuesday also, and won again. We actually beat them by more games this time than the last time we played them! One of our old teammates is on that team, so it’s always fun to face familiar players.

Wednesday – I got my Zumba on! I was feeling pretty exhausted/lazy, so I wasn’t planning to do anything. I motivated myself to get dressed and walk over to the gym to get my booty drop on. I got a pretty decent burn and made my fitbit pretty happy: I reached 10,000 steps for the day!

My Graze Nibblebox came in the mail! ( I totally instagrammed it, too, because it was so adorable.) I’ll write up a review once I’ve tasted everything. In the meantime, if you’d like to try it yourself, you can go to www.graze.com and enter the code ALEXIS71B. By doing this, you’ll get the 1st and 5th boxes free! Note: I was not paid for this. I accidentally stumbled upon Graze through a tweet from a blogger I follow. Can’t remember who it was now…

Thursday – I had my bazillionth work event of the week, and was some exhausted by the end of the day. I foolishly decided to make ravioli because I thought was misled to believe it would only take 30 minutes to make. IT TOOK THREE HOURS! I got an awesome forearm workout, though. Good grief! If only I had one of those fancy KitchenAid Stand Mixers. It would have made life so much easier! Instead, I was kneading dough like a fiend, and The Boyfriend’s blender got fried in the process of making the filling for the ravioli. Literally. There was smoke everywhere. IT WAS AWFUL. One day, I will have enough money for one of these beauties. One day…

I’m going to post the ravioli recipe at some point this weekend/early next week, so be on the lookout. It actually turned out deliciously!

Friday – The day before a tournament, I usually take it pretty easy. Sometimes, I’ll do some yoga or light stretching, just so that my body feels fresh in the morning. I usually eat a decently-sized healthy dinner. Tonight, I’ll be joining The Boyfriend’s family for dinner. Not sure what we’re having, but I’m sure it will be great! 3/5 of us are doing the Dietbet, so it’s

Saturday – Tomorrow, I have a volleyball tournament. It’s going to be a super long day, as we will be playing 5 teams. Hopefully my ENERGYbits will arrive in the mail today so that I can give them a test run at the tournament. We’ll see! My friend Amanda over at Eat Hard Work Hard got a sample, and hers seemed to work for her the way I hope they work for me.

What are you plans for this weekend and the upcoming week? What did (or didn’t) you do this week? Are you keeping up with any resolutions you might have made?

In honor of how I felt kneading dough for 20 minutes:

If only they played Missy during Zumba…

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