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Weekly Recap: Ending the First Month of 2020

Last week was busy! I did a lot of activities, and while I wish I could say that I feel so refreshed because of it, that would just be a lie. By Sunday morning, I was so rundown that I had to cancel my morning running plans because I felt so terrible I couldn’t even…

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Race Recap: Lifetime Indoor Tri

I was sitting here a couple of days ago talking to myself, trying to figure out what blog post I’d been forgetting to write when it dawned it me: I needed to write a recap of my very first triathlon! On January 5, I participated in the Life Time Indoor Triathlon Series. I signed up…

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Top 20 Fitness Trends for 2020

I’m a goal setter. I set monthly goals, weekly goals, annual goals, 5-year goals – you name it! In planning out my goals for 2020, I decided to dig around the internet a bit to see what some of the emerging trends for 2020 might be. The most scientific and thorough research I found on…

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Follain on the Brain (and the Lips!)

If you watched my stories over the weekend, you saw that I instantly fell in love with Follain, before I even left the Follain Bethesda Row brick-and-mortar store! When I say Follain rocked my world (which sounds so dramatic, I know), I really mean it: Beauty, makeup, and skincare products I thought were “clean beauty” products…

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My Goals for December 2019

Yes, I acknowledge that we’re already into December, but it doesn’t mean I can’t still set goals! (I got a delayed start on the month anyway, so cut me some slack please!) First, let’s review how I did on my November goals, then we can talk about my goals for December. FTP Test – Yeah,…