Winner Winner Chicken Dinner #wbwalinkup
It’s Sunday, so you know what that means: Time to link up for my Week Behind, Week Ahead linkup!
This was a weird week, thanks to Snowzilla (eye roll). I work for our local government, which means I didn’t spend my snow days like most other people I know. I’m not going to bore you with my Leslie Knope-like stories, so I’ll just use this guy to summarize my thoughts: 😐
Fortunately, I was able to get some fun and fitness in with my family, as I mentioned in last week’s linkup, as well as another bonus day of yoga which prevented me from pulling all of my hair out over the course of the week. Hooray, yoga!
Now, on to this week’s Week Behind, Week Ahead post!
The Week Behind
Sunday: I ended up getting to do The Runner 360 Workout. My brother and my future sister-in-law joined me for this tough — albeit quick — workout, while my cousin timed us and laughed at our silliness. As I said in my post last week, The Runner 360 Workout is from Build Your Running Body
(affiliate link), which is a great book I wish I’d started reading before I decided I wanted to become a runner. Hindsight is 20/20, ain’t it? Anyway, I strongly recommend this workout. It really works your entire body, and there are some pretty challenging exercises in there! What made the workout even more difficult was the fact that my brother was making the most ridiculous sound effects, forcing us to laugh while doing all sorts of planks. What an ab workout! (To see the full-sized image of our finished product, check out the image here on my Instagram.)
Monday: No work! My brother and my future SIL had to leave because she had to go to work (she teleworks), so that was a bummer. My cousin also left. That left the house with my parents, my teenaged brother, my boyfriend, and me. One of my sisters needed to get shoveled out of her house, so we loaded up my parents’ SUV and headed over there. Fortunately my parents’ HOA did a great job with plowing during the storm, so there weren’t any problems once the storm was over. By Tuesday, their streets were looking great.
Tuesday: One word: Nightmare. Even though I didn’t have to go to the office, I did manage to get yelled at over the phone by many people. The added stress of leaving my parents’ and shoveling out part of my driveway really made me an unpleasant person to be around. I was not a happy camper.
Wednesday: First day back at the office since Thursday. My boyfriend still didn’t have to go to work, since schools were closed and he’s a teacher. Wednesday was still pretty rough for us. Many people still weren’t plowed out, and were understandably frustrated. After a long day, I had to get my zen on, so fortunately I had one more free class at Extend Yoga as part of their Budding Yoga Teachers’ program. (These aspiring teachers get credit hours for teaching classes, while patrons got to attend these classes for free!) I cannot get enough of this yoga studio. Honestly. Everyone who works there is nice, and I just feel so much better after being there. My friend Hannah met up with me for this class, which was a bonus. What was crazy was that traffic was atrocious, which meant that most of the class actually ended up getting their a little late. After class, I drank some red bush tea with hibiscus, and braved the traffic once more to get home.
Thursday: I was finally back to volleyball! It had been a week since the last time I played, since Snowzilla got my tournament cancelled, along with my regular Monday and Tuesday games. By Thursday, I could not wait to get back in the volleyball gym! This week was playoffs for my Thursday league. This season has been a bit rough, since we didn’t even have 6 players for some of our games. By some miracle, though, we finished the regular season in first place. WUT. Anyway, after work, I drove home to change for volleyball, and was almost in tears by the time I got home. I usually have about a 20-30 minute commute home, but it took me an hour to get home this time, and what made it crazier was that kids weren’t back in school, and many people weren’t back at work! Because so many of the state roads only had one or two lanes plowed out, traffic was all sorts of jacked up. On my commute home, I really wanted to escape back to the yoga studio and find my zen, instead of finding every expletive I know to shout out in frustration at the traffic. After another hour getting from home to the Volleyball House, we headed into playoffs, beating the 4th seed in two straight sets. For finals, despite everyone on my team being super exhausted we managed to win! It was a bittersweet victory, as my teammate Ashley is moving to Washington state in just a couple of weeks, and this was our last Thursday game, indefinitely. I’ll now be spending my Thursdays at my gym, lifting and (eventually) running. I had fun with these ladies, though!
Friday: One of my most embarrassing yoga experiences to date, and that’s saying a lot, since I fell on some man a couple of weeks ago like a hot mess. So I left work, rushed to the yoga studio, got stuck in disgusting traffic again, and got to the studio at like 5:03. There was nobody really in the parking lot, and the normal Friday instructor, Nina, was wearing a coat.
“Am I too late?” I exclaimed to the front desk lady, mostly out of breath.
“For…?” At this point, I’m like, really lady? What would I come to a yoga studio for? Tap dancing? This was clearly a symptom of the post-Snowzilla ragepocalypse I had been battling all week.
“Class…” I responded, with a quizzical look.
“Which class?” Lady, the clock is ticking!!!
“The community class that’s held here every Friday?”
“That class doesn’t start until 5:30.”
Well… that was awkward. Fortunately, she told me that I could put my things in the classroom and just chill until class started. This was my sad yoga mat:
While I waited, I made sure to take this photo to share my shame with all of you. Seriously, how ridiculous is that? Have you ever shown up to something super early, thinking you were late? Super awkward.
Because Extend Yoga is such a great studio, they have loose tea and teabags for studio goers. I made myself a nice cuppa, brought my heart rate back to a normal rate, and avoided eye contact with the woman at the front desk. I then decided that I needed to go to Teavana on Saturday, because I forgot how much I love tea, and remembered that I needed some more tea for my home. (They have really good rooibos tea at Extend, and I’d been reading up on the health benefits.)
I really enjoyed Friday’s yoga practice, despite that hiccup. My forward fold was ON FLEEK this week. I’ve been getting deeper and deeper into this pose with every practice, so I was really proud of this. Who would’ve thought that a volleyball double header the night before would’ve made for excellent yoga practice the day after?!
Saturday: I actually went to Teavana and loaded up on tea! I’m drinking my Teavana Tranquil Dream tea as I write this post. This tea is seriously delicious, and it definitely has me feeling relaxed. I had a conference call with the other board members for the non-profit with which I am involved. After that, I had dinner and a family girls’ night out at Color Me Mine to create a really cool mirror project for my future SIL. I live just a block away from the one we visited, and have been wanting to try it out for such a long time. I really enjoyed the experience, and my mind started wandering about how I could paint some tea kettles, mugs, and plates. I may have a tea problem, you guys… I can’t wait to see how the final product will turn out! Each of us painted one or two tiles for the future bride, and the tiles will frame a mirror for her to hang in her future home. What a cool project, right?
The Week Ahead
Man! What a whiny sounding week, right? Yeesh! Fortunately I ended the week on a high note!
I cannot wait to have a fresh start this week. I’m looking forward to a bunch of volleyball and gym time this week. I’m planning to get some Yin Yoga in at my gym this morning, and will try to do the Runners 360 workout twice this week. I also need to get back to my meal planning and lunch packing. I ran out of groceries after the storm, and was so beat that I didn’t even go to the store to replenish even the bare necessities. Can you guys send some positive vibes my way so I’m not such a whiny whiner next week?
Now, on to the linkup!
Grab the #WBWAlinkup button!

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As always, I wish you the best week ahead!
Side note: A few people asked me about The Yoga Collective. They’re actually running a Living Social deal as of my writing. You can check out my review of The Yoga Collective here.
Sounds like you got a lot accomplished despite Snowzilla.
Sounds like you got a lot accomplished despite Snowzilla.
OMG! that picture of the monkey…though!! I literally laughed out loud and actually can't stop laughing as I type this….too funny!!!
OMG! that picture of the monkey…though!! I literally laughed out loud and actually can't stop laughing as I type this….too funny!!!