Yoga, Snow, Snow, Yoga #WBWAlinkup
Greetings from the tail end of our blizzard!
Once again, I am hosting my Week Behind, Week Ahead Linkup (#WBWAlinkup). As a reminder, this linkup is to let you know all about the past week’s activities, as well as plans and goals for the upcoming week.
Want to join the linkup? Be sure to add your blog post link using the InLinkz tool below, that way I can read your posts to learn all about your week! Make sure you comment on at least two posts in the linkup so that we can all share the love!
Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get on with this week’s Week Behind, Week Ahead, Post! (Note that I’ve updated this week’s format by adding an optional button, if you want to include the linkup image in your post!)
Sunday: Last week, I discussed my first foray into Yin Yoga. I’m so glad I tried it! It really helped set the tone for my week!
Monday: I had the day off work, so I ended up taking an evening BodyPump class. It was hard! I am really loving my one-two punch of BodyPump and yoga during the week. BodyPump is definitely making me stronger and helping me tone, and yoga is helping me with core strength and flexibility. Both are helping me with volleyball and every day activities.
Tuesday: Another night of volleyball. It was not good. I’m tired of losing. I don’t even want to talk about it. 🙁
Wednesday: I had a work event, but I was able to squeeze in a free yoga session in between work and the event. Extend Yoga has a series of free yoga classes this month, as they train “budding” teachers. I had a teacher who was not easy! I think everyone in that class except for me and one other lady were super experienced at yoga practice. I was having a very frustrating time, which made my practice very unfocused. I was disappointed in my practice, which was a major bummer because I have been improving each week! To make up for my disappointment, I made myself some red tea (they have free tea for students!) to sip during what turned out to be a very snowy drive home.
Thursday: We had our last regular season game for my Thursday league. I wasn’t hurting this week as much as last week, which was a good thing. Playoffs are going to be next Thursday, assuming everything goes okay with the roads. Once the playoffs are over, I’m done with this Thursday league for some time. I’m just so tired by Thursday, and I’d rather spend time after work going to the gym or for a run, and getting my butt in bed a heck of a lot sooner. Sometimes I don’t get home until 11 p.m. on Thursday nights, and it’s really hard for me to settle down
Friday: Storm prep day! I worked from home during the morning, packed up my winter gear and food, headed to my parents’ place, and worked from their home. Since I did plenty of running around, I decided to use this day as a rest day. Normally I would have practiced yoga that evening, but couldn’t because of the storm. The blizzard started around noon, and was still going on while I was writing this post at midnight on Sunday morning! At some point Friday evening, I got a shooting pain in my back, and was having some trouble walking. I have no idea what I did, but I’m glad this became a rest day!
Saturday: This was the first full day of our blizzard, and I decided that I needed to do something fitness related, or I would feel immense shame from all of the lounging around I was doing. I set up yoga mats in my parents’ living room for my mom, my future sister-in-law, and I to do some basic yoga. I logged in to The Yoga Collective site and picked a beginner’s class for us to do together. I love the search feature on their site, as it allowed me to pick a shorter class for us to do while both of my brothers shoveled snow. There are a lot of people over the house right now, and it was a nice escape from the chaos! I wasn’t a big fan of the video we used, so I’ll definitely have to choose a little more carefully next time. The instructor was incredibly distracting, and we were holding some poses for way longer than was comfortable. Better luck next time!
Today (Sunday) and the Week Ahead: I’m not sure how this week is going to shape up, what with the blizzard finally coming to a close, and the clean up process starting. I have a feeling that work is going to be a bit challenging, whether I end up in the office or working from home. I know I won’t have volleyball on Monday night, because there’s no way everything gets plowed before Monday afternoon. I’m not sure about Tuesday or Thursday, so I’m also not sure if I’ll get to do my second free yoga class on Wednesday, as originally planned. We’ll see! I will still try to get some yoga in, and will do The Runner 360 Workout from this great book I’ve been reading called Build Your Running Body (affiliate link). It’s definitely not an easy workout, but it’s a great full-body workout, and I love a good challenge! I’m going to try to get out and walk today. I’ve been indoors long enough, and need to get some fresh, snowy air!
I wish you all a wonderful upcoming week!
How will you spend your upcoming week? What were you up to last week? Did you get snowed in?

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